January 14, 2008

Give the guy some credit

Come on, this is pretty funny:
Good heavens, I grant the sincerity of the critics' views -- in fact, that's the point of the blog, to contrast their bad-faith view of my side with the fact that I'm not throwing corresponding accusations at them. — Patrick McIlheran
My question: Was it meant to be funny?


Display Name said...

I think the next line is just as good, too: "Yet you seem unable to concede that I might have come to my view honestly -- you feel a need to say I'm "pimping" for someone?"

Does anyone believe that Paddy questions the Heritage press releases just as intently and sincerely as he judges every other organization's conclusions? When he lunches with WMC, does he ask himself "Should I use this?" or does he ask "How quickly can I write a column based on this?"

illusory tenant said...

Here be comedy, in which P. McIlheran hyperbolically insists the National Center for Science Education's position is that 'intelligent design shouldn't be thought about,' proves himself completely wrong with his own link to the NCSE, yet continues to deride a certain naysayer as "utterly clueless" for questioning his original pronouncement:

A movie about some inconvenient questions

Other Side said...

Does anyone believe that Paddy questions the Heritage press releases just as intently and sincerely as he judges every other organization's conclusions?

Of course he doesn't. It's amazing he can write this line:

Yet you seem unable to concede that I might have come to my view honestly ...

... with a straight face when I could, if I wanted to spend the time, find numerous instances where he, Sykes, McBride, Owen Robinson, etc. all miraculously wrote on the same topic within days of each other.

Anonymous said...

He didn't come by his job honestly. Why should anyone believe the same about his views?

illusory tenant said...

Come, come. Conservatives come by conservative sources honestly; it's liberals who come by conservative sources dishonestly, i.e., for laughs.

Display Name said...

It's the implanted radios, as Fred RDW inadvertently revealed.

Display Name said...

iT, I must brag that this fall I got to spend the better part of a day with Michael Shermer.