May 5, 2009

Bachmann macht frei

Screenshot at 0:36.

(That podium is just begging to be retouched.)


Anonymous said...

Take heart, mein Kamerad. She will soon be forced from the stage because the respectable intellectual center is beginning to have doubts, putting her public image at risk.

Display Name said...

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fox News.

illusory tenant said...

"Conservative talk radio hosts have begun impugning Sotomayor's credibility."

Oh dear. Because conservative talk radio hosts have so much of their own.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't think Mr. Savvy Beltway Journalist expect us to buy that. He's just saying Con Air has sufficient bluster and volume to sway conventional DC wisdom. And he's right.

What's really goofy is that he wants us to believe Hispanic "pressure groups" could "fight back" and sway the "respectable intellectual center." This assumes there's substantive difference between The New "Bell Curve" Republic and the Excellence in Broadcasting network, and that the former wouldn't go apeshit over those "pressure groups" just like the latter.

Anonymous said...

Teh Horror in Amityville.

illusory tenant said...

Well if they're lying or if they're wrong, somebody's going to notice. But at least nobody called George Will a "goat fucking child molester."