May 1, 2009

Steven Walters stares down a deadline

Abrahamson won't seek Souter seat

Thanks, because people were really wondering about that.


James Wigderson said...

Please tell me he was just copying a press release. Please tell me he did not ask her office if she was seeking to be on the US Supreme Court at 75. Please tell me this thought never occurred to him.

Reminds me of Milo Bloom sitting at the obituary desk calling people to see, well, you know. "Just checking."

Did anyone tell Walters that down the hall some people are actually deciding how large amounts of tax money are about to be spent?

Jim Bouman said...

Mike Gableman has likely lit a few little candles of desire and hope. Perhaps Steven Walters will write a few laudatory articles about his strong Midwestern grounding and sterling credentials for the SCOTUS.

Ryan and Sensenbrenner can be counted on to tout his alignment with mainstream values.

Not to mention his yeoman service on the Wisconsin Supreme Court these past 12 months.

grumps said...

Jim, I think that there's a special Appendix to the selection memo specifically for grads of Hamline Law.